Monday, January 27, 2020

The Second Imperium Trilogy Concept Art

Welcome back to THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM! As you know, I said I was going to post some of the concept art for my sci-fi series, The Second Imperium Trilogy, so here it is:

Picture #1: Anton Logan (Version 1)
As you might know, Anton Logan is the main antagonist of The Second Imperium Trilogy, so I decided to draw him first. For look #1, I drew his simple shape, with a few costume details.

Picture #2: Anton Logan (Version 2)
For the second picture, I traced my previous drawing of Anton Logan, but this time I added his signature coat/cloak. If you are a fan of The Matrix Trilogy, you might see a resemblance of Neo's coat.

Well, hope you like it! That's a wrap for THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM!

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Second Imperium Trilogy Concept Art

Wow. It's been a while since I last posted anything on here. I just wanted to say that I have been working on some concept art for my upcoming sci-fi story, The Second Imperium Trilogy. You remember that, right? Well, if you don't, click here to read my original post about the trilogy and my original stories.

Anyway, I'm going to scan the images soon, hopefully in good quality, and I should be able to post them on Monday or Tuesday. Nothing much, just some sketches of the main character, Anton Logan.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to another Blogger, Nami. He's been on Blogger since 2013, and he does a lot of coll Tintin fan comics, and he's also currently writing a Star Wars comics, entitled Star Wars: Royal Blood. if you want to read his Tintin stories, you can visit, and if you want to read his Star Wars story go to

Oh, and also, before I go, I've just added the PDF Edition of Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas, my most recent story. If you want to find it, first click on the "Stories" button under the Blog's title and slogan. Secondly, under the "Zones" heading, click "STAR WARS." Finally, you should be taken to a page that says "Star Wars Zone," and should also have a bit about Chronicles of Christmas. There should be a thing that says "Download PDF," and if you click on there, you can.... "Download PDF." And if this is too hard, just click here.

Well, that's a wrap of... THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Star Wars: Chronicles of Telian Aieler - The Clone Wars Opening Crawl

Hello and welcome back to THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM! The year 2019 is now OFFICIALY OVER, and 2020 is now here! This means that there are loads more things still to come, including blog posts from me! If you have read my latest post (Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas Epilogue), you would have read that I received an opening crawl video for Star Wars: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – The Clone Wars. This video was created using Kassel Lab’s Star Wars Intro Creator for free, and I personally think it came out really well. So, go ahead and watch the opening crawl:

Pretty cool! I would definitely recommend this site for anybody who wants to see and opening crawl come to life. It’s really simple: First, visit the site (link: Then, just do everything that it says. After that, just fill in the e-mail that you want to receive it to, and it will tell you approximately how long it will take until you can watch the video, since there are usually a lot of people using the site. See, easy! Anyway, if you want another way to design a Star Wars Opening Crawl, I have already created a step-by-step for creating one on Microsoft Word 2010, with an additional selection of images to help you complete the process (link: Well, I am almost finished creating the PDF Edition of my latest story, Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas, so you can expect that soon. Also, don’t forget to follow my blog, and remember, you can access exclusive content when you subscribe by e-mail. Well that’s a New Year on THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM!