Thursday, February 6, 2020

Kih-Oskh is Coming Soon

Welcome back to THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM! Since my last post featuring some of my concept art for The Second Imperium Trilogy, I have been working on some things related to the famous cartoonist's Hergé's series, The Adventures of Tintin. I am a long time fan of this series, actually since I was four years old (the same year that the film The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn was released). Since earlier last year, before I even thought of the idea for The Sith Archives of Darth Fandom, I had already thought of the idea for a different blog, entitled Kih-Oskh (Kih-Oskh is the name of a pharaoh in The Adventures of Tintin: Cigars of the Pharaoh. To read about the brotherhood devoted to him, click here.)

Recently, I have started creating a Tintin timeline, as well as putting together a few ideas for stories. (My original stories were Tintin and the Broken Gold, Tintin and the Beast, and The Land of the Bad. Click the titles to read the stories, or at least what I did make of them. To read a basic synopsis of the stories, click here.) My first idea is Tintin and the Secrets of the Multiverse (for the cover, click here), which is basically the idea of a multiverse in Tintin. If you're curious about how I came to the conclusion that there is a multiverse in the Tintin universe, click hereAnyway, I'll hopefully be able to start this blog soon, so watch this space for more on THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM!

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