Friday, August 2, 2019

Star Wars: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – The Clone Wars Preview Edition

Welcome back to the Sith Archives of Darth Fandom!

My next issue in the series of preview editions for my upcoming stories: Star Wars: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – The Clone Wars Preview Edition!

To read the preview, either follow the link below, or read the rest of this post!

The Dunes of Peace, Lethor Major, 21 BBY

   “So this is Lethor Major.” Obi-Wan Kenobi crouched down to the window at his knee height. “I had never heard about this place before, until today.” He laid his hand to his side and forced himself back up. As the engines roared through the smooth breeze of the air, Obi-Wan muttered to himself. “A shame I had not known about this before...” The strange vehicle soared through the clean skies, the sand below migrating across the landscape. The creature who piloted the vehicle, Tenessi Allulehh, was a tall and handsome man, although his knowledge was not as dashing and beautiful as his face. His co-pilot, Venuzen Cappron, did more hard work than his partner, however. They had both graduated from pilot school ten years ago, Allulehh only being there on a bursary. “We’ll be at your needed destination any time now, Mr...” “Kenobi.” Allulehh flicked his hair backwards and smirked. Obi-Wan’s facial expression altered slightly. He seemed to sense something, but for once, he didn’t want to investigate it. The Jedi Master turned back to where he was facing before, only to hear a sudden brake in the engine power. Cappron shifted his head directly to Allulehh, who struck another grin. “What did you just do?” he shouted. BOOM! One of the engines exploded and flew into mid-air! Obi-Wan leaped to the control panel at the front of the vehicle, only to see Cappron tugging onto his blood-stained torso. There was nobody else around the scene. Obi-Wan smacked the control panel. “I should have seen this coming!” He turned away from Cappron’s dying body, only to see Allulehh about to pounce him. He held a large machete in his right hand, but knew he was no match for a Jedi. Obi-Wan swung his lightsaber across the pilot’s wrist, and then through his stomach. The man stuttered, and then fell to the ground. Obi-Wan inspected the body. He couldn't see anything dangerous, until he turned over the body. A ticking bomb about to blow! The Jedi smashed open the nearest window and dove straight into the sand. A second later, there was a huge explosion, and pieces of the vehicle went flying all over the show. Obi-Wan heaved himself up. “There must be something more to this...”

If you enjoyed this story, PLEASE check out my Star Wars Infinities: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – Darth Saidgge Preview Edition, the lead-up to a certain alternate reality in which Darth Saidgge literally beats (NO SPOILERS) at becoming the (NO SPOILERS)! Also be here for the rest of this story and that story, and also the Preview Edition of Star Wars Infinities: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – Lord Pseyth, an alternate tale of what could possibly happen to Pseyth after he (NO SPOILERS) and the trouble that he causes! There is also a load of Photo Comics coming, so DON'T MISS OUT ON ANY OF IT! Anyway, thank you for reading my stories, and leave a comment on this post, or drop me an e-mail (p.s. if you didn't know, my e-mail is, so if you want to talk Star Wars or say something about this blog, don't be shy!), whether you are a critic who will only say bad things about what I seem to like or not, so see you soon!

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