Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Planetary Information: THE TENOS SYSTEM

Above: Map of the Tenos System's Explored Planets 
You may have seen (or soon are to see) that the prefix word "Tenos" pops up a lot in my work. This is actually because Tenos is the name of a system in the Unknown Regions. It is located at one of the furthest reaches of space, and spaces across a large area of this region. There are six planets in this system, three of which have been explored.

·         Tenos Volar
Tenos Volar is the first of the three explored planets. It is the smallest planet in the system and is surrounded by a great amount of rock, sometimes resulting in a rockfall. During the Clone Wars, the Separatists set up a Droid Factory on this planet, which was almost destroyed by Republic troops in 21 BBY. In 12 BBY, the planet was heavily bombed and almost destroyed by Imperial Bomber Troops, due to the fact that Rebels had been establishing a base on Tenos Volar.

·         Tenos Qarak
Tenos Qarak is the second of the three explored planets. It has four moons: one to the north (Qara-I), south (Qara-II), east (Qara-III) and west (Qara-IV). In 19 BBY, the Empire built a headquarters on this planet, which was later destroyed by Abon Dorh and a Jedi Task Force. Information about these Jedi never reached the Empire in time, therefore these Jedi stayed alive during the Emperor's reign.

·        Tenos Xelon
Tenos Xelon is the last of three explored planets. It has two suns, Xelo Aurek and Xelo Besh, and one moon, Xeloa. After the Kaiburr Temple on Telian Aieler was invaded by the Republic in 21 BBY, the Kaiburr Lords and their apprentices fled to Tenos Xelon, though they only arrived one year later. In 19 BBY, Darth Vader arrived on Tenos Xelon, only to later retreat from the threat of these Dark Lords of the Sith.

Other Information:
  • Planets: Tenos Volar, Tenos Qarak, Tenos Xelon, Unknown 4TH Planet, Unknown 5TH Planet, Unknown 6TH Planet
  • Suns: (Tenos Volar) Vola'ya 1, (Tenos Qarak) Qaran, (Tenos Xelon) Xelo Aurek, Xelo Besh
  • Moons: (Tenos Volar) Vola'ya 2, (Tenos Qarak) Qara-I, Qara-II, Qara-III, Qara-IV, (Tenos Xelon) Xeloa
  • Languages: Galactic Basic (Used since humans invaded), Tenosa (Original home language)
  • Species: Human (Dominant species), Ketenos (Primitive species), various other smaller creatures
Look out for the Tenos System in my upcoming story, (NO SPOILER FOR YOU)!

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