Saturday, July 27, 2019

Star Wars Infinities: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – Darth Saidgge Preview Edition

Welcome back to the Sith Archives of Darth Fandom!

You might have been wondering what I've been doing in the last three days, and here it is: the Preview Edition of Star Wars Infinities: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – Darth Saidgge!

To read the preview, either follow the link below, or read the rest of this post!

Secret Imperial Station, Coruscant, 18 BBY 

   “So this is where I’m going to find the ‘item’?” Darth Saidgge, one of the remaining Kaiburr Lords, had placed himself on Coruscant, on a search for an item that could possibly change the fate of the galaxy. “You are near,” a voice proposed. Saidgge held a pyramidal object in his right hand, one that was of a glowing shade of red. “And what was the point of you wearing this armour to this mission? You are a Dark Lord of the Sith! You need no protection but yourself!” Saidgge peered at the object in his right hand. “Shut up, will you?” There was no reply. As Saidgge’s armour clashed and clunked, he walked down a dark alley. His footsteps were light, as he did not want any attraction to himself whatsoever. He ached in his awkwardly tight body-suit, with only some ventilation for his skin. Finally, he reached his destination. “A pile of rocks?!” he shouted. “Use your full power,” the voice began, “and then you shall recover what you truly came for.” “You should’ve warned me before I travelled all the way to this wretched place…” he muttered. Saidgge took in a deep breath, and then shoved his hands in front of the heap. There was a soft crackling sound, and then louder again. Saidgge clenched his fists together, and all the rocks shattered into tiny pebbles. There was silence for a few moments. BOOM! The silence was broken! Many loud and sequenced footsteps pounded towards Saidgge, until he was totally surrounded by Imperial stormtroopers. “You are violating code—” “—I don’t care what you vagrants are thinking, but I’m pretty sure that you’re mistaken…” “This is Imperial property! You are invading the Emperor’s property!” Saidgge stuck the pyramidal object in one of his metallic pockets. “I can assure you, I’m affiliated with the Emperor! I’m doing his work!” Saidgge tried to take three steps backwards, but the stormtroopers raised their blasters. “If you try to escape, this will only get dirtier!” Saidgge thought to himself for a second, and then placed his hands in the air. One stormtrooper inspected Saidgge’s armour. “Dnih Kkora,” he explained. “Looks like somebody’s going to be having the bounty hunter special served on their platter…”

As this story comes along, I will also begin posting the full Star Wars: Chronicles of Telian Aieler story, as well as the Infinities tie-ins such as this, so be here on The Sith Archives of Darth Fandom for Star Wars Infinities: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – Darth Saidgge and Star Wars: Chronicles of Telian Aieler – The Clone Wars, coming soon to a certain Sith blog near you!

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