Sunday, December 15, 2019

Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas Part 6

The two main characters have escaped from the forest, but what happens now? In order to know the answer to this question, you will have to read the 6th instalment to Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas! Just to catch you up, here’s what happened in yesterday’s episode:

FANDOM:       Come on, I’ve got to find a way out.
VADER:          I have been expecting you, young one.
QERIX:           The Master arrives.
FANDOM:       I thought I was dead?
SAIDGGE:      Just an illusion.
UNKNOWN:   I’ve got you now.

Now, if you like what you just read, how about you read the 6th part:

Unknown Location, Polle I, 17 BBY

   “We’ll have to settle here tonight.” The journey had already been too tough. Now, night set upon the freezing cold ice planet of Polle I, and it was time to rest until the morning came to the planet. Fandom gazed at the sky for a short moment. “It’s night already? How is that possible?” “We’ve been here for a long time already. Don’t be surprised.” In front of them was a dark cave, shielded by a large amount of rocks with only a small opening in the front of the shelter. Darth Fandom lowered his jaw in horror. “We-We-We-We’re going to have to sleep in there?” Saidgge rolled his eyes and looked at his apprentice. “You think you can survive without taking risks?” “Yes,” Fandom answered sarcastically. Saidgge wrapped his left arm around his apprentice’s neck. Fandom easily pulled it off as fast as he could. “So are we going to go in or what, my Master?” Saidgge smiled. “I think we probably should.” “Okay, as long as you tell me about how the hell I survived the wrath of the undead trees.” “Of course, my young apprentice.” Saidgge bent down on his knees and crawled into the cave, then became hesitant and didn’t say a word. Worried to death, Fandom whispered, “Is everything okay and safe down there, Master?” Saidgge lifted his hand and alerted his apprentice with a hand signal that notified Fandom that it was safe. Fandom then mimicked his master’s previous movements into the cave, and then leaped in. “Alright then, now that we’re both in, it’s time that you explained what happened in the forest.” “Why are you so keen to know what happened? To play your death in a fake way some day?” “Precisely.” Saidgge shook his head. “The same thing happened to me back there. It was an illusion trying to play with our minds. We were simply invulnerable to it because of our amazing Force powers.” “Are you telling me that if we didn’t have Force powers, we’d be dead and buried in those branches by now?” “Well, if we didn’t have Force powers, then we wouldn’t be here right now.” Saidgge peeped outside of the cave and glanced quickly at the sky. “Okay, we’ve got a big day ahead of us, so we better get some sleep.” Then there was silence.

Where is the character that was lurking in the shadows? If you are curious to know, then don’t forget to be here tomorrow for Part 7 of Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas! If you want to check out the full story so far, you can explore my Star Wars Zone (find it via the “Stories” page below the blog’s title and slogan), and you’ll probably find the story there. Well that’s a wrap for today on THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM!

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