Saturday, December 7, 2019

Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas – Reveal

Welcome back to THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM! Recently, I haven't been doing much on my blog, since I've been focusing on writing The Second Imperium Trilogy and some of my other original stories. I've also been researching a bit about the Indian comic book publisher Gotham Comics to create another blog about their comics and related, but anyway, let me get to the point. Christmas is coming up, so yay! I decided that for this special event, I'll be writing a new story called Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas. Since I haven't been writing much Star Wars fan-fic lately, I decided that I'll make this a special one. The story is going to take place in 17 BBY, soon before the end of the year, after Darth Saidgge and Darth Fandom are trying to complete and important mission before the Empire find out about them stealing the "item" from Coruscant days before (see my Character Profile: Darth Saidgge post for more information). I have began to write the story, and it will be premiering right here on this blog on Tuesday. There will be fifteen paragraphs, leading up to the fifteenth day from Tuesday, which will be Christmas Day. Before I go, I also just wanted to say that I have updated by ISMF Headquarters page (not much difference, it's just that the "Submit Code" leads to a totally different place), so please check it out! Well, that's a wrap from me, and don't forget to be right here this Tuesday!

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