Thursday, December 19, 2019

Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas Part 10

A bounty hunter, working for the one and only Jabba the Hutt, here to eliminate Saidgge and Fandom. Is this his true mission? If you want to know the answer to this question, you will have to read the 10th instalment to Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas! Just to catch you up, here’s what happened in yesterday’s episode:

SAIDGGE:      Don’t do it, my apprentice.
FANDOM:       Don’t worry, I can handle him.
UNKNOWN:   Tell me, and I might just let you live.
SAIDGGE:      I came here to eliminate you. Fett took your place.
UNKNOWN:   LIAR! You came here for the weapons master, did you not?
UNKNOWN:   This is your end.

Now, if you like what you just read, how about you read the 10th part:

Unknown Location, Polle I, 17 BBY

   “Oh....” What had just happened in this strange and extremely fast moment? All that Darth Fandom could remember was the graze to his arm, and then.... Where was Master Saidgge? He looked up for a moment, and saw Saidgge attempting to fight his way out of the grip of the new bounty hunter opponent, who was strangling Saidgge to absolute nothingness with his bare hands. As Saidgge’s face grew white, the bounty hunter spoke, “This is your end.” Then, he threw him off the cliff. Saidgge’s body tumbled down the infinite hill until it was no longer able to be seen by the simple naked eye of the human being. Full of shock after the terrible experience that had just happened right in front of him, Darth Fandom pushed himself up and faced the bounty hunter, who was still looking far down into the abyss-like ditch. Staring at his Sith Master’s murderer, the young Sith eyed out a smoke canister on the bounty hunter’s waist, and, using his keen and capable Dark Side of the Force powers, squeezed the canister so tight that it burst open. This caused a dark cloud of smoke to surround the bounty hunter, who fell unconsciously to the ground. Now that the bounty hunter had been rid of, Fandom placed his hands in front of him and pulled up the hunter’s body using the Force. He tightened his grip on the enemy, and then chucked him down the same hole that had been the death cradle of Fandom’s Sith Master. Turning around, he walked away slowly and departed from the scene. OOF! Darth Fandom fell face first into the snow. “You think you can defeat me that easily, child? Well, I think you should try and do better next time.” Fandom listened carefully to these words in his head. He knew it was the bounty hunter, and that the only way he could have possibly survived was by using a grappling hook. He should have thought of that before he threw him off a cliff. “Well, I take back that last comment. You won’t be able to try better next time.... There won’t be a next time!” Fandom could feel the bounty hunter’s presence moving closer, so he rolled over to examine his thought. Instead of seeing the bounty hunter approaching, he saw the tip of the blaster pointed at his face. “I’ve got you now.”

Will Fandom die at the hands of the bounty hunter? Will he be saved in time? Are there others lurking in the shadows? If you are only here to know, then don’t forget to be here tomorrow for Part 11 of Star Wars: Chronicles of Christmas! If you want to check out the full story so far, you can explore my Star Wars Zone (find it via the “Stories” page below the blog’s title and slogan), and you’ll probably find the story there. Well that’s a wrap for today on THE SITH ARCHIVES OF DARTH FANDOM!

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